historical events
2024 Floodlit Races & Santa run:
All events held at New College Race Track
Race 1: Tuesday 29th October 6.30 – 7.30p.m.
Race 2: Tuesday 19th November 6.30 – 7.30p.m.
Santa Run: Tuesday 17th December 7.00p.m.
junior/senior intra-club minileague:
All events held at Beauchamp College Sports Field
Race 1: Thursday 5th May 6.30 – 7.30p.m.
Race 2: Thursday 16th June 6.30 – 7.30p.m.
Race 3: Thursday 7th July 6.30 – 7.30p.m.
Hosting Aylestone junior Park Run:
Aylestone Junior Park Run (Ayelstone Football Pitch)
Date: Sunday May 22nd 2022
Time: 9.00 a.m.
Owls will be hosting the Junior Park Run by taking over the set up and volunteer roles for the morning. We will also be holding a small bake sale to raise funds for the Ukraine crisis appeals.
leicestershire round – record attempt:
A team of Junior & Senior members are joining forces to relay run the whole of the Leicestershire Round route. We will be attempting to beat our previous time achieved in 2019!
Dates: Friday 1st July (through the night) through to Saturday 2nd July 2022
Final leg: The final leg of the route will be from the Bradgate Arms up to Old John
Contact Wayne Walker for full club race and event details